Monitoring of underwater sound pressure in the Baltic Sea (PÄPSI)

It is anticipated that underwater noise will increase in the heavily trafficked Baltic Sea. Noise has harmful effects on marine ecosystems. Damage is particularly caused to marine mammals and fish that use sound in their species-specific behavior and whose hearing range overlaps with the area affected by underwater noise. Even shellfish are disturbed by noise.

The monitoring of underwater noise is based on the national marine strategy and is also linked to the marine strategy action plan.

The monitoring project continues the established measurement activities that began in 2021 with permanent monitoring stations, as well as expanding measurement activities to new areas.

The project's funding allows participation in EU TG Noise and HELCOM EG NOISE working group meetings.

Results of the monitoring will be updated in the time series on the website (in Finnish).

Read more about the underwater noise at 


Harri T. Kankaanpää, Leading Research Scientist, Finnish Environment Institute (Syke), marine and water solutions,

Okko Outinen, Researcher, Finnish Environment Institute (Syke), marine and water solutions,

Published 2024-05-30 at 13:11, updated 2024-05-30 at 13:15

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