Mikko Hynninen
Content page | Published: 2024-08-23

Development manager Contact information Email: firstname.lastname@syke.fi Tel. +358 295 251 197  Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) Digital services Information man......

Experts > Mikko Hynninen
New flagship research project secures water resources with digital twins – Syke partner in the innovative research ecosystem
News | Published: 2023-10-25

Four new Flagships have been selected to the Research Council of Finland’s Finnish Flagship Programme, one of which is Digital Waters coordinated by the University of Oulu. Flagship Programme supports......

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Current > New flagship research project secures water resources with digital twins – Syke partner in the innovative research ecosystem
Current > News > New flagship research project secures water resources with digital twins – Syke partner in the innovative research ecosystem
Data-driven approach for development of recycling ecosystem and advanced modelling of environmental performance (DREAM)
Project | Published: 2023-06-05

Project background and objectives Data-driven approach for development of recycling ecosystem and advanced modelling of environmental performance (DREAM) -project is a part of SPIRIT programme t...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Data-driven approach for development of recycling ecosystem and advanced modelling of environmental performance (DREAM)
Developing a common knowledge base for monitoring land use and its changes (Mammutti)
Project | Published: 2023-01-02

Project background  In order to mitigate climate change, Finland aims to be carbon neutral in 2035. The land use sector is both a significant carbon sink and a source of CO2 emissions....

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Developing a common knowledge base for monitoring land use and its changes (Mammutti)
Built environment information system – RYTJ
Project | Published: 2023-02-17

Photo: The Ministry of the Environment   The new national built environment information system (Ryhti) gathers data related to construction and zoning. The system will have two ...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Built environment information system – RYTJ
Circular Design Network (CircDNet)
Project | Published: 2021-02-18

Project background and objectives With increasing environmental pressures and decreasing resources, we need a transition to a circular economy. When enabling and speeding up circular tran...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Circular Design Network (CircDNet)