Accelerating residential around-the-clock clean electricity consumption through hard and soft policies (ALLTIME)
Project | Published: 2023-11-13

The objective of this project is to speed up the transition of the electricity system to be completely carbon-free in a cost-effective manner. Green energy transition highlights the need to switch to...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Accelerating residential around-the-clock clean electricity consumption through hard and soft policies (ALLTIME)
Sampo Vesanen
Content page | Published: 2023-10-31

Researcher Contact information +358 50 346 5301 Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) Built environment solutions Housing and mobility Linke......

Experts > Sampo Vesanen
Karoliina Auvinen
Content page | Published: 2023-04-06

Senior specialist Contact information Email: Tel.  +358 295 251 235 Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) Climate solutions Regions and mu......

Experts > Karoliina Auvinen
Digitally mediated decarbon communities in energy transition (DigiDecarbon)
Project | Published: 2023-08-10

  The “demand side” of the market, actions by citizens as consumers and producers of to low carbon energy now plays an increasing role in the decarbonization of energy and built environment...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Digitally mediated decarbon communities in energy transition (DigiDecarbon)
Synergies and trade-offs between carbon footprint and other environmental impacts of buildings (SynTra)
Project | Published: 2021-09-28

Project description This project promotes construction of sustainable public buildings by increasing knowledge on how to achieve both low carbon footprint (CF) and resource-efficiency targets in...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Synergies and trade-offs between carbon footprint and other environmental impacts of buildings (SynTra)
We already have climate solutions – How can Finland meet the challenges set by the IPCC report?
News | Published: 2021-08-13

The report on the Physical Science Basis of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, published on Monday states that human-induced climate change is already affecting many weather and climate ex......

Same content on several places:
Current > News > We already have climate solutions – How can Finland meet the challenges set by the IPCC report?
Current > We already have climate solutions – How can Finland meet the challenges set by the IPCC report?
Research & development > Built environment > We already have climate solutions – How can Finland meet the challenges set by the IPCC report?
Research & development > Circular economy > We already have climate solutions – How can Finland meet the challenges set by the IPCC report?
Research & development > Climate change > We already have climate solutions – How can Finland meet the challenges set by the IPCC report?
Research & development > Consumption and production > We already have climate solutions – How can Finland meet the challenges set by the IPCC report?
Research & development > Sea > We already have climate solutions – How can Finland meet the challenges set by the IPCC report?
Research & development > Urbanisation > We already have climate solutions – How can Finland meet the challenges set by the IPCC report?
Research & development > Water > We already have climate solutions – How can Finland meet the challenges set by the IPCC report?
Tampere joins the Carbon Neutral Municipalities network – the entire city region aiming for carbon neutrality by 2030
Press release | Published: 2019-04-05

Tampere City Region is strengthening its commitment to strict carbon neutrality targets. As the central city of the region, Tampere joined the Carbon Neutral Municipalities (HINKU) network by decision......

Same content on several places:
Current > Press releases > Tampere joins the Carbon Neutral Municipalities network – the entire city region aiming for carbon neutrality by 2030
Current > Tampere joins the Carbon Neutral Municipalities network – the entire city region aiming for carbon neutrality by 2030
Research & development > Built environment > Tampere joins the Carbon Neutral Municipalities network – the entire city region aiming for carbon neutrality by 2030
Research & development > Consumption and production > Tampere joins the Carbon Neutral Municipalities network – the entire city region aiming for carbon neutrality by 2030
Intermediary actors accelerating socio-technical transitions – hope, hype and actionable insight
Content page | Published: 2019-02-12

Seminar 11-12 April, 2019, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Intermediaries in the energy transition: The invisible work of creating markets for sustainable energy solutions (TRIPOD) > Intermediary actors accelerating socio-technical transitions – hope, hype and actionable insight
The headquarters of the Finnish Environment Institute is moving to the Viikki campus
Press release | Published: 2018-11-09

The headquarters of the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) is moving on 19th November 2018 from the Töölö borough of Helsinki to the University of Helsinki’s Viikki campus (street address: Latokarta......

Same content on several places:
Current > Press releases > The headquarters of the Finnish Environment Institute is moving to the Viikki campus
Current > The headquarters of the Finnish Environment Institute is moving to the Viikki campus
Research & development > Built environment > The headquarters of the Finnish Environment Institute is moving to the Viikki campus
Research & development > Circular economy > The headquarters of the Finnish Environment Institute is moving to the Viikki campus
Research & development > Climate change > The headquarters of the Finnish Environment Institute is moving to the Viikki campus
Research & development > Consumption and production > The headquarters of the Finnish Environment Institute is moving to the Viikki campus
Research & development > Nature > The headquarters of the Finnish Environment Institute is moving to the Viikki campus
Research & development > Quality of information > The headquarters of the Finnish Environment Institute is moving to the Viikki campus
Research & development > Sea > The headquarters of the Finnish Environment Institute is moving to the Viikki campus
Research & development > Urbanisation > The headquarters of the Finnish Environment Institute is moving to the Viikki campus
Research & development > Water > The headquarters of the Finnish Environment Institute is moving to the Viikki campus
Venla Riekkinen
Content page | Published: 2018-04-24

Senior coordinator Contact information Email: Tel.: +358 29 525 1942 Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) Climate solutions Regions and municipal......

Experts > Venla Riekkinen
Sustainability experimentation seminar in SYKE
Content page | Published: 2015-10-31

The seminar "Sustainability experimentation: interplay between grassroots and institutions", opened by Professor Stephen Zavestoski, and followed by presentations on experiments from a range of angles......

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Intermediaries in the energy transition: The invisible work of creating markets for sustainable energy solutions (TRIPOD) > Sustainability experimentation seminar in SYKE
Intermediaries in the energy transition: The invisible work of creating markets for sustainable energy solutions (TRIPOD)
Project | Published: 2015-09-23

Project TRIPOD is a consortium project led by Aalto University, with SYKE and the Consumer Society Research Centre (CSRC) of the University of Helsinki as partners. TRIPOD will empirically ...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Intermediaries in the energy transition: The invisible work of creating markets for sustainable energy solutions (TRIPOD)
Change in Business Ecosystems for Local Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency - Better Energy Services for Consumers (USE)
Project | Published: 2019-02-12

* The project has ended * The final seminar of the project was arranged in collaboration with the parliamentary "Energiaremontti" group 23 January 2019. Following the link below you can access t...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Change in Business Ecosystems for Local Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency - Better Energy Services for Consumers (USE)
Paula Kivimaa
Content page | Published: 2014-12-12

Research professor PhD, Docent Academy of Finland Research Fellow © Kai Widell Contact information Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) Climate solutions Pol......

Experts > Paula Kivimaa