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Dr Joe Ravetz is a visual thinker
News | Published: 2015-02-05

The public lecture held by Dr Joe Ravetz is loaded with hand drawn maps and pictures. Even his self-presentation on the Urban 3.0 website is partly a comic strip. "I am a researcher of sustainable fut......

Same content on several places:
Current > News > Dr Joe Ravetz is a visual thinker
Research & development > Built environment > Dr Joe Ravetz is a visual thinker
Urban Zones Applied in Planning (Urban Zone 3)
Project | Published: 2015-02-04

Urban Zone 3 project is dealing with the future development of the urban form in Finnish urban regions. Travel-related urban zone method is applied in various planning cases of different-sized Finnis...

Research & development > Research and development projects > Projects > Urban Zones Applied in Planning (Urban Zone 3)
Urban Fabrics & Urban Zones Seminar, COST meeting October 2013
Content page | Published: 2013-11-28

The meeting of European Union's COST ACTION TU 0902 ( Integrated assessment technologies to support the sustainable development of urban areas ) was held at the Finnish Environment Institute SYKE in ......

Research & development > Built environment > Urban Fabrics & Urban Zones Seminar, COST meeting October 2013

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