Nudging for climate: Using behavioral sciences for steering communities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and fortify carbon sinks (CLIMATE-NUDGE)


CLIMATE-NUDGE utilizes knowledge from behavioural sciences, especially nudging, in planning choice architecture to help communities and individuals choose environmentally friendlier options while maintaining the freedom of choice.

The project develops and tests interventions with key stakeholders aimed at 1) reducing greenhouse gas emissions from transport and 2) optimising the use of carbon sinks in forest management. The effectiveness of the interventions is compared to the modelled effectiveness of traditional steering methods, such as taxation.

In order to ensure the acceptability and fairness of the interventions, careful ethical review is included in the process at all stages. The economic and health impacts will also be assessed. The societal goal is to create new scalable, cost-effective, health-promoting and ethically sustainable ways to combat climate change in support of traditional regulatory and price-based instruments.

The Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) is leading the transport work package with a focus on the climate impact assesment of different interventions and other policy measures. Syke is also participating in the health impact assessment.   

Twitter: @ClimateNudgeSTN

Project website:

More information:

Leading researcher Emilia Suomalainen, Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)

Published 2024-07-31 at 11:08, updated 2024-07-31 at 11:22